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Half-Breed® Burt
Price: Price depends on 2 materials. Please Select Hat Material for Pricing
Half-Breed® Burt
The same low crown styling of the Burt, but with a straw crown for keeping cool in the summer and keeping your face protected from the sun with the brim.
Half-Breed® Clint Hi-Roller
Price: Price depends on 2 materials. Please Select Hat Material for Pricing
Half-Breed® Clint Hi-Roller
The same low crown styling of the Clint Hi-Roller, but with a straw crown for keeping cool in the summer and keeping your face protected from the sun with the brim.
Half-Breed® Derby
Price: Price depends on 2 materials. Please Select Hat Material for Pricing
Half-Breed® Derby
The same styling as the classic Derby, but with a straw crown for keeping cool in the summer and keeping your face protected from the sun with the brim.
Half-Breed® Hi-Roller®
Price: Price depends on 2 materials. Please Select Hat Material for Pricing
Half-Breed® Hi-Roller®
The same styling as the Hi-Roller, but with a straw crown for keeping cool in the summer and keeping your face protected from the sun with the felt brim.
Half-Breed® Plantation
Price: Price depends on 2 materials. Please Select Hat Material for Pricing
Half-Breed® Plantation
Same Plantation styling, but the felt brim with the straw crown gives added sun protection while keeping the head cool.
Half-Breed® Plateau
Price: Price depends on 2 materials.
Half-Breed® Plateau
a.k.a. Half-Breed SRV - The same style as most of Stevie Ray Vaughan's hats, but with a straw crown for keeping cool in the summer and keeping your face protected by the brim.
Half-Breed® Texican
Price: Price depends on 2 materials. Please Select Hat Material for Pricing
Half-Breed® Texican
The same quad-dent styling of the Texican, but with a straw crown for keeping cool in the summer and keeping your face protected from the sun with the brim
Half-Breed® Top Hat
Price: Price depends on 2 materials. Please Select Hat Material for Pricing
Half-Breed® Top Hat
This one is a David original, worn for his wedding to Joella. What else would a mad-hatter wear for his wedding than a Half-Breed Top Hat?
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